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Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

The Xavante in Transition

Health, Ecology, and Bioanthropology in Central Brazil

Illuminates the experience of a small-scale culture with large-scale change

Cattle Bring Us to Our Enemies

Turkana Ecology, Politics, and Raiding in a Disequilibrium System

An in-depth look at the ecology, history, and politics of land use among the Turkana pastoral people in Northern Kenya

Rethinking Sustainability

Power, Knowledge, and Institutions

Provides important guideposts toward a more complete theory of sustainable human and economic development

Natures Past

The Environment and Human History

A global examination of how human communities have interacted with different kinds of natural environments through their cultural, social and economic activities

Culture and Global Change

Social Perceptions of Deforestation in the Lacandona Rain Forest in Mexico

Offers a model for how to gather information on the human dimensions of global change