Environmental Studies

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results.

The Cult of Statistical Significance

How the Standard Error Costs Us Jobs, Justice, and Lives

How the most important statistical method used in many of the sciences doesn't pass the test for basic common sense

Natures Past

The Environment and Human History

A global examination of how human communities have interacted with different kinds of natural environments through their cultural, social and economic activities

Americans and Their Land

The House Built on Abundance

The story of Americans' relation to land, how it has changed in the face of diminishing resources, and what the future may hold

The Land between the Rivers

Thomas Nuttall's Ascent of the Arkansas, 1819

A retelling of Thomas Nuttall's near-death expedition up the Arkansas River in the early years of the nineteenth century

A Greener Vision of Home

Cultural Politics and Environmental Reform in the German Heimatschutz Movement, 1904-1918

The story of a successful citizens' movement to protect the land and encourage a culture of environmental respect in pre-World War I Germany