Culture in the Anteroom

The Legacies of Siegfried Kracauer

Subjects: German Studies, Cultural Studies, History, German History, Media Studies, Cinema Studies
Paperback : 9780472051670, 324 pages, 20 illustrations & photographs, 6 x 9, May 2012
Hardcover : 9780472071678, 324 pages, 20 illustrations & photographs, 6 x 9, May 2012
Ebook : 9780472028153, 328 pages, 20 illustrations, May 2012
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An interdisciplinary approach to Kracauer's body of work

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Culture in the Anteroom introduces an English-speaking readership to the full range of Siegfried Kracauer's work as novelist, architect, journalist, sociologist, historian, exile critic, and theorist of visual culture. This interdisciplinary anthology---including pieces from Miriam Bratu Hansen, Andreas Huyssen, Noah Isenberg, Lutz Koepnick, Eric Rentschler, and Heide Schlüpmann---brings together literary and film scholars, historians and art historians, sociologists, and architects to address the scope and current relevance of a body of work dedicated to investigating all aspects of modernism and modernity. The contributors approach Kracauer's writings from a variety of angles, some by placing them in dialogue with his contemporaries in Weimar Germany and the New York Intellectuals of the 1940s and '50s; others by exploring relatively unknown facets of Kracauer's oeuvre by considering his contributions to architectural history, the history of radio as well as other new media, and museum and exhibition culture.

Gerd Gemünden is the Sherman Fairchild Professor of the Humanities at Dartmouth College, where he teaches in the Department of German Studies, Film and Media Studies, and Comparative Literature.

Johannes von Moltke is an Associate Professor of German Studies and Screen Arts & Cultures at the University of Michigan.

"This is the most current English-language introduction to the full range of Kracauer's work."
—J.O. Wipplinger, North Carolina State University, Choice

- J.O. Wipplinger

Review Essay | The Nation 12/20/12