University of Michigan Press Books for Understanding

By: Jamie Jones | Date: January 24, 2024 | Tags: open access, Books for Understanding
Image of books overlayed with the text "University of Michigan Press Books for Understanding" next to an orange unlock icon signifying open access

As an academic publisher, it is our mission to publish books and provide resources that further the understanding of current events. According to the Association of University Presses, “Often the most complete and illuminating background research and knowledge for a breaking news story is only available in scholarly books from presses committed to the public interest.”

The list of books below are all Open Access, meaning they were made immediately and freely accessible upon publication to anyone with an internet connection. The open circulation of these texts has had substantial impact: by the end of 2023, these books have cumulatively been accessed over 27,000 times by readers in 126 countries and territories and at over 125 institutions.

The books in this list provide peer-reviewed scholarship on a number of serious issues like the history of war in the Middle East, religious violence, the spread of disinformation in politics, and attacks on free speech.