Recovers poet May Swenson's fiction, criticism, and drama--and her correspondence with Elizabeth Bishop

Look Inside


Introduction     1

I. Fiction     9
Mutterings of a Middlewoman     11
Appearances     31
From "Fables of Things"     46
The Power and the Danger     47
From the Window     56

II. On Poets and Poetry
A Poem Happens to Me     75
On Richard Wilbur's "Love Calls Us to the Things of This World"     80
A Matter of Diction     86
The Poet as Antispecialist     91
A Note about Iconographs     102
An Interview with Cornelia Draves and Mary Jane Fortunato     104
An Interview with Karla Hammond     121
The Term Line in Poetry     138  
Foreword     141
"Big My Secret, but It's Bandaged"     143
Sylvia Plath: A Recollection     172

III. The Floor     175

IV. Letters to Elizabeth Bishop     193


Made With Words collects prose by May Swenson (1919-89), whom critic and poet John Hollander has called "one of our few unquestionably major poets." Born in Logan, Utah, she spent most of her adult life living and writing in New York City. She was an editor for New Directions Paperbacks, and a writer-in-residence at numerous universities during the 1960s and 1970s. Throughout her long and illustrious career, Swenson produced nine volumes of verse, including New and Selected Things Taking Place and In Other Words: New Poems. She was a member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters and a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, and received a multitude of grants and awards during her lifetime.
Made with Words includes a rich assortment of Swenson's prose, including several short stories, by turns amusing, provocative, and poetic, and inextricably bound with her poetic oeuvre; a one-act play entitled The Floor, produced in New York in the mid-sixties; interviews and book reviews that shed light on Swenson's poetic development as well as her literary and artistic tastes; and finally, a collection of Swenson's letters to the poet Elizabeth Bishop that reveal the intricacies of three decades of their personal and professional relationship. The critical and biographical introduction provides an engaging glimpse into the creative life and prose work of an important contemporary American poet.
Gardner McFall is Assistant Professor of Literature, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. She is the author of The Pilot's Daughter; Naming the Animals; and Jonathan's Cloud.