Yuarn Music Dramas

Studies in Prosody and Structure and a Complete Catalogue of Northern Arias in the Dramatic Style

Subjects: Asian Studies, China
Paperback : 9780892640409, 376 pages, 6 x 9, January 1981
Open Access : 9780472901470, 376 pages, 6 x 9, August 2020

Open access edition funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities / Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Humanities Open Book Program
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Part One of Yuarn Music Dramas presents a detailed analysis of form and structure in Yuarn music drama, with sections on the act, the suite, the aria, the verse, metrics of repeated graph patterns, parallelism, and the matching of suite and mode. [vii]Part Two presents the first catalogue of arias of its kind to be published in a language other than Chinese. It is a compilation of all of the arias in the northern dramatic style that are found in the 162 titles contained in the Yuarn-chyuu shyuann and the Yuarn-chyuu shyuaan waih-bian. It is modeled on several such catalogues compiled over the past six hundred years. [99]

Now retired, Dale R. JOHNSON was Professor of Chinese and chair of East Asian Studies, Oberlin College.