Remembering Raoul Wallenberg

The University of Michigan Celebrates Twentieth-Century Heroes

Subjects: History
Hardcover : 9780971540309, 76 pages, 50 photographs, 8.5 x 10.75, November 2001
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A celebration of the lives of lives that have been devoted to the struggle for human rights and individual freedom


This is the story of University of Michigan graduate Raoul Wallenberg--his years in Ann Arbor in the 1930s and the six extraordinary months he spent in Budapest at the end of World War II. Wallenberg confronted genocide in Budapest and chose to repeatedly risk his own life to rescue thousands of Hungarian Jews from Nazi-induced oblivion. In January 1945, Wallenberg was arrested by the Russians and vanished into the Soviet gulag. At the beginning of the twenty-first century--despite a November 2000 announcement from Russia that Wallenberg had been murdered in 1947--his family and many others are convinced that his case remains unsolved. This book is also the story of the University of Michigan Wallenberg Medalists, eleven individuals who exemplify Raoul Wallenberg's legacy that "One Person Can Make a Difference."