Provides diverse global perspectives from seasoned scholars and teachers on systematically evaluating quality writing


In order to teach, evaluate, and research academic writing, scholars and writing teachers need to have a clear and explicit idea of what they mean by “good” or “bad” writing rather than taking an intuitive, “I know it when I see it” approach. In Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, seasoned scholars and pre-service writing teachers offer their insights into the nature and activity of effective writing in first and additional languages at the college and university level. Readers will find first-person accounts of well-established scholars learning to write and publish in English, conceptual articulations on the nature of writing and academic publishing, and how perspectives on good writing shape teacher feedback and writing curricula. In addition, this book suggests new areas of L2 writing research beyond the well-traveled practice of written corrective feedback (WCF). This book is ideal for readers curious to learn more about how established scholars developed their writing skills as well as for pre-service teachers exploring their own beliefs, values, and assumptions about what good writing means to them.

In Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, readers will develop their understanding of writing practices through chapters covering the following areas: 

  1. teaching, learning, and assessing
  2. mentoring, supervising, and publishing
  3. personal perspectives
  4. readers and reading

Robert Kohls is Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at San Francisco State University. 

Christine Pearson Casanave is Adjunct Professor at Temple University, Japan Campus and Visiting Scholar at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.

Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL does justice to its title given the kaleidoscope of perspectives contributed by a stellar lineup of writing teachers and scholars. They offer diverse perspectives on factors shaping beliefs and values about what good writing is, including social, cultural, and institutional expectations; disciplinary socialization; and reflexivity on one’s own practices. The kaleidoscope of perspectives is also evident in their reflections on writing itself (covering established as well as new digital genres, writing by transnational writers, and translingual literacy practices), and on teaching, assessing, and responding to writing. The book represents true advances in current understandings of what good writing is, and should be a staple on every shelf.”

- Rosa Manchón, University of Murcia, Spain

“I am thrilled to read an academic book on good writing in which every chapter and every bibliographic statement is written in the first person. This is a complete—and so welcome—reversal from when I was forced to write my Ph.D. thesis in the passive voice. Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL lives up to its title. It begins and builds the needed conversations about what good writing is, and does so in an accessible, engaging, page-turning manner. What more could one ask for?”

- Merrill Swain, University of Toronto

"Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL is a valuable resource for scholars, writing teachers and pre-service educators. Its rich content and the engaging manner in which the book initiates crucial conversations about writing make it a staple for those seeking a deeper understanding of what constitutes good writing."

- IATEFL Voices, Annie Altamirano