Look Inside


Laurence Goldstein     vii

The Female Body
Margaret Atwood     1

Venus and Others
John Updike     5

From Nestor to Helen Now of Troy (poetry)
Zona Teti     9

The Dream (poetry)
Nin Andrews     10

Joining the Resistance: Psychology, Politics, Girls and Women
Carol Gilligan     12

Ophelia (poetry)
Elizabeth Socolow     48

Choose (poetry)
Sarah Messer     50

How Not to Argue About Abortion
Carl Cohen     52

In October 1973 (Age 27) (fiction)
Andrea Dworkin     69

Dilemmas of Visability: Contemporary Women Artists' Representations of Female Bodies
Darcy Grimaldo Grigsby     83

Illustrations following page     102

Kala Gave Me Anykine Advice Especially about Filipinos When I Moved to Pahala (poetry)
Lois-Ann Yamanaka     103

Heel Should Not Be an Insult (poetry)
Marge Piercy     105

"Material Girl": The Effacements of Postmodern Culture
Susan Bordo     106

Leda (poetry)
Beckian Fritz Goldberg     131

Body (poetry)
Robert Creeley     133

In Rooms of Women
Kim Edwards     135

From Eroticism to Transcendence: Ballroom Dance and the Female Body
Sally Peters     145

A Red T-Shirt with "Poetry" Emblazoned in Block Letters on Its Chest (poetry)
Gregory Orr     159

Beauty on the Beach (poetry)
Debra Bruce     161

Beauty (fiction)
Julie Brown     163

"Passing" Women, Performing Men
Anne Herrmann     178

Southern Aphrodite (poetry)
Jefferson Humphries     190

Muse Figures: Notes on Gender Difference in Poetry
Jefferson Humphries     192

Made in His Image: Frankenstein's Daughters
Stephanie Kiceluk     204

Indelible Ink (fiction)
Elizabeth McCracken     221

"The Body in Pain" in Thomas Eakins' Agnew Clinic
Judith Fryer     235

To a Poet (poetry)
Susan Rubin Suleiman     255

Plath's Hair (poetry)
Brenda Hillman     256

Mittelschmerz: A Lady's Complaint upon Reaching the Age of Forty-Four
Joan K. Peters     258

The Body in the Woman, the Story in the Woman: A Book Review and Personal Essay
Ruth Behar     267

Trash (poetry)
Margaret Holley     312

Contributors     314


Diverse thoughts on the female body as both anatomical object and cultural construction.