The New Media World (Series)

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The New Media World explores key themes relating to the emerging media environment. The term emerging media environment refers to the broad ecosystem of technologies, processes, audiences, consumers, industries, governments, and sponsors that interact around various forms of information such as entertainment, news, education, and advertising. Fundamental changes in that ecosystem—involving media as traditional as newspapers and books or as new as mobile phones and weblogs—are transforming the ways people around the world communicate, participate in civic life, and imagine themselves in relation to others.

The New Media World features thematically bold and well-researched books that explore these changes from a wide range of disciplinary and cultural perspectives, seeking to stimulate academic thinking and contribute to public discourse and policy.

The New Media World is published by digitalculturebooks, a collaborative imprint of the University of Michigan Press and the University of Michigan Library. In an effort to reach the broadest possible audience, digitalculturebooks publishes simultaneous print and online editions, and encourages the use of Creative Commons licensing.


Series Editor

Joseph Turow, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results.

Internationalizing "International Communication"

A critical intervention in international communications, in which an array of eminent scholars challenge the Western-dominated conceptions of the field

Imagining the Global

Transnational Media and Popular Culture Beyond East and West

A focused multisited cultural analysis that reflects on the symbiotic relationship between the local, the national, and the global

The Media Welfare State

Nordic Media in the Digital Era

A dynamic examination of the media industry in the Nordic countries during the transition to today's digital environment

Making News at The New York Times

An ethnographic study of The New York Times’ business desk provides a unique vantage point to see the future for news in the digital age

When Media Are New

Understanding the Dynamics of New Media Adoption and Use

An in-depth study of the fascinating relationship between new media and everyday life

The Hyperlinked Society

Questioning Connections in the Digital Age

Investigates the multi-faceted nature of hyperlinks and their consequences for commerce,  communication, and civic discourse in the world of digital media

Owning the Olympics

Narratives of the New China

The indispensable guide to the breaking stories about China, the Olympics, and the media